The 2024 Kiwanis Music Festival is Live!
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Music Festival of London is pleased to announce the Syllabus for the 2024 Festival. We are planning a live festival in 2024, but will be prepared to revert to a virtual festival on short notice if public health requirements necessitate the change. We were pleased to learn that schools are rebuilding their music programs for bands, choirs and orchestras as both credit courses and as extracurricular activities.
Highlights for 2024 include:
- We continue to require that entrants follow all public health requirements at the time of their performance.
- Entry and payment continue to be online only. An entry is not accepted/processed until proof of payment is received.
- The performances are planned to be live, face to face, but we reserve the right to move to a virtual Festival if public health considerations necessitate this change.
- Solo classes will use the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) and Conservatory Canada (CC) curriculum level systems. There are also Solo classes based upon age levels.
- When age is specified, the entrant must meet the age requirement as of December 31, 2023. This requirement pertains to Music Theatre, Percussion, Piano Concertos, Popular Piano, Speech Arts, Popular Voice and Ukulele.
- Competitors who pass RCM or CC examinations before January 31st of the current year for the level for which they were recommended, cannot compete at the OMFA Provincials at that level in June.
- Almost all music selections are “Own Choice” but must conform to the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) or Conservatory Canada (CC) Syllabi. Exceptions are noted in the Class description.
- Each entrant must provide an original score of all music selections to the adjudicator at the time of the performance.
- Entrants must perform ALL Selections in each Class at the same level and at the level in which the competitor is currently studying. The number of selections to be played is indicated in each Class description.
- Competitors may count one or more movements of a multi-movement work as one selection only but will need to remain within the time limits posted for each Class.
- Competitors (individual or school ensemble) may enter the same class more than once with different selections at the same level. When this happens, the Festival will split the Class so that the entrants are not competing against themselves.
- Entrants may enter in more than one Section.
- Memorization is recommended. Memorization is required if the competitor wants to be considered for the Provincial Music Festival, except for entries in Brass, Woodwinds or Sonata Classes for Strings. This conforms with the Provincial Festival Rules.
- At the request of the elementary and secondary school music teachers, there have been changes to some of the band, choir and orchestra Classes. Please check the Syllabus closely for these changes.
- Some elementary and secondary school trophies have been assigned to a specific Class. In other cases, the qualifications for being eligible for a specific trophy have been changed. Please note the changes made in the Syllabus. Some new Classes have been added to reflect the changes in the awarding of specific trophies.
- Entrants may perform without an accompanist for the Kiwanis Music Festival of London but will be required to have a live accompanist if they wish to be recommended to the Provincial Music Festival. Accompaniment must be live, not a recording.
- We will continue to hire the highest quality adjudicators. A written adjudication will be provided to each entrant at the conclusion of each session.
- First, Second and Third Awards or Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards as selected by the adjudicators will be awarded. Criteria for awarding First, Second, Third, Gold, Silver or Bronze Awards are in the Rules and Regulations section on the Festival website. These Award Certificates will be presented at the end of the session.
- Monetary prizes and trophies will be awarded as approved by the Awards Committee of the Board of the Festival.
- A Certificate of Performance will be given to every entrant who performs but does not receive an Award. These certificates will be presented at the end of each session.
- The Kiwanis Club of Middlesex has endowed the John Quinney Memorial Award of $1,000 for a performance chosen by the Awards Committee.
- The Kiwanis Music Festival of London is a qualifying festival for MusicFest Canada. Adjudicators at qualifying festivals may recommend any group that qualifies for the National Festival. The MusicFest Canada National Festival will be held May 13-18, 2024, at the University of Toronto Faculty of Music. To be eligible for a referral, the group must enter Qualifying Class 1691 in the London Festival. For further details, please go to the MusicFest website, www.musicfest.ca.
- We have returned to pre-pandemic entry fees for most classes.
- The entry fee includes admission to the Festival venue for the entrant and their musician accompanist (if used).
- General admission to the Festival is $5 for a single admission for people 13 years and over. Children 12 years and under are admitted for no charge. A VIP pass is available for $15 that includes entry to all the Festival performances, EXCEPT for the Stars of the Festival Concert to be held on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
The Kiwanis Music Festival of London is proud
to have D & S Pianos
as our piano supplier. Their generosity is very much appreciated.