Message from the Chairperson of the Board
Moving through the various changes requires us to continue to stay in touch with members of the London Music Community–the many educators who teach in various settings. We continue to gather valuable information through one-on-one meetings and surveys as administered. We thank you for your feedback thus far and look forward to ongoing conversations that impact decisions about the Music Festival Syllabus, Mission and Vision of the Festival, website, adjudicators, and most importantly, your students’ experiences. We continue to consult and examine the website from a functional and visual perspective as well as re-organizing other aspects of our infrastructure. We continue to identify possible volunteers who would support our work and enhance our presence through social media. We are fortunate to have a volunteer group who dedicate their time and their areas of expertise. In addition to members of the Board, we have an active pool of festival-based volunteers who manage and work the halls. Their dedication is critical to the success of the festival, which is one of the larger ones provincially and nationally. We continue to seek new members who will work with us as we think strategically about each of our roles within today’s context. We continue to strive for and maintain a balanced budget, and in response to that responsibility we thank our current sponsors and advertisers, and welcome new ones. We continue to seek new awards and thank those who support the students’ music education through donating one-time awards and establishing endowed awards. We regularly receive thank you cards from the various awardees who express their deep appreciation for such support. We are looking forward to your participation in the upcoming 64th Festival, whether it is as a performer, an audience member, and/or a volunteer. Do reach out to me about ideas, concerns, opportunities, and challenges.
Betty Anne Younker, Festival Chair